Parish Assembly | Summer Mini-Retreat Series | Faith Formation Enrollment TODAY! Fr. Mike Murphy will lead a Parish Assembly Informational Meeting in the Church. Tuesday June 25, 6:30 PM . *Please...
June 30 - Blessing of Graduates All Youth and their families are invited to join us to bless the High School seniors at 10:30 AM mass ... followed by a Pizza and Ice Cream reception. Please help us...
Calling all Middle School and High School Teens! This Sunday, Youth Ministry finally regathers for a social evening of fun with friends 'round the fire! Familes of new High School graduates!...
June 9 - Youth Ministry Fire Pit All teens in Middle School and High School are WELCOME! Bring a camp chair, a snack to share or game to play, and a stick for roasting marshmallows. :) OLV Soccer...
Please note that the rescheduled date for the Fire Pit was incorrectly announced at Mass and in the bulletin. The NEW date is June 9 . We hope you can join us! Questions? Email [email protected]...
Nativity Series Part 6 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Here’s a joke from the...
Nativity Series Part 5 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ It’s kind of funny that...
Nativity Series Part 4 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Think back to the day you...