Holy Family
Vernon Nyagweta (Zimbabwe)
In the heart of Zimbabwe, local artists of the Shona Tribe sculpted images of the Holy Family carved into stone. Holy Family, was sculpted from springstone, a type of serpentine stone often found in Zimbabwe. This work embodies Nyagwetas understanding of the Holy Family - Joseph's care of Jesus and Mary, and Mary's love for her child. He combined different textures of rock, carving, and polish to illustrate the emotion between the Holy Family.
Joseph, Dearest Joseph Mine Blue Water Highway
(original: “Josef lieber, Josef mein”) Traditional German carol, 14th century)In this week's readings, Jesus and Samuel both show us the importance of sacred space. What places have been meaningful in your walk with God? Where do you find God most clearly present?
On this feast of the Holy Family, we also recognize that our very homes can be sacred spaces. How do you express your faith at home? How might you carve out a little more intentionally sacred space there?
O God, grant that we may desire you, and desiring you, seek you, and seeking you, find you, and finding you, be satisfied forever.
Francis Xavier, 1506-1552