Lori True
We have many reasons to give due consideration and prayerful reflection to the Magnificat. It is the longest discourse recorded of Mary in Divine Revelation. Many stories are written telling about the heart of Mary as shown in that beautiful prayer. Certainly inspired, it was pronounced by Mary herself when she was carrying the Diving Child in her womb. It is the perfect act of humility and of profound humble adoration. It is part of the Church's liturgy and has been since the very first centuries. It has been recited or sung daily by ancient monks and other Religious who have consecrated themselves to God.What moments do you keep in your heart to help you remember God's presence in your life?
How do you feel about being a child of God? What does it mean to you to be part of God's family and coheir with Christ?
O God, grant that we may desire you, and desiring you, seek you, and seeking you, find you, and finding you, be satisfied forever.
Francis Xavier, 1506-1552