You are invited to come and make you own Advent Wreath that you can then take home and use for the Advent Season. What a great way to spend time together as families and friends preparing for Advent! We will provide everything needed to make your wreath; if you have your wire frame from last year, please bring it. Pizza and beverages will be provided. All are welcome!
In order to have enough materials for everyone, we ask that you please sign up (and let us know how many will be with you) by Monday, November 25th, 2024 by emailing Lisa ([email protected]) or by calling the Monastery parish office at 410-566-0877.
A Living Nativity
Friday, December 6th | 6:30 PM St. Joseph's Monastery Campus
3801 Old Frederick Road, Baltimore, MD 21229
Musical prelude featuring the Monastery and Victory choirs begins at 6:15 pm in the church. Doors open at 6:00 pm.
Join us for a beautiful recreation of the first Christmas. You will witness a live display in the sanctuary of the Monastery. No walking around required (most of the event takes place inside).Petting zoo is available from 6:00-8:00 pm, under covered front entrance of church, provided by “Mary’s Go Round Petting Zoo.” This event is FREE, and following the presentation, have your picture taken with St. Nick! Hot cocoa and cookies will be served.
Blessing of Lights & Tree Lighting
Christmas Caroling in Burmese and English
Saturday, December 7th | after the 4:00 PM Mass
Our Lady of Victory Gathering Space
4414 Wilkens Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21229
All are invited to our Tree Lighting and Blessing of Lights in the Gathering Space on Saturday, December 7th, immediately following the 4:00 PM Mass. There will be prayer, music, cookies & cocoa. Bring a string of lights from your holiday decorations to have them blessed!
Our Burmese Community invites all to sing Christmas carols in Burmese and English during the fellowship time after the Tree Lighting. Afterwards, all are invited to join carolers singing door to door at fellow parishioners' homes in the neighborhood!
8:00 AM: Our Lady of Victory 8:00 AM: St. Joseph's Monastery Campus 12:00 PM: Our Lady of Victory 7:00 PM: St. Joseph's Monastery Campus
Advent Prayer
Friday, December 13th | 6:30 PM
Our Lady of Victory Church
4414 Wilkens Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21229
Join us on Friday, December 13th at 6:30 PM as we pray the Rosary and Benediction for First Friday Holy Hour.
Bambinelli Blessing at Masses
Saturday & Sunday, December 14th & 15th at all masses
Bring your the baby Jesus from your Nativity Creche to be blessed at all Masses at Our Lady of Victory and St. Joseph's Monastery on December 14th and 15th!
The Blessing of the Bambinelli was first instituted by St. John Paul II. On the Third Sunday of Advent, the children of Rome are encouraged to bring the baby Jesus (Bambinelli) from each of their Nativity sets to St. Peter’s Square. Following the Sunday Angelus address, the Pope blesses the figurines.
Now celebrated in other churches around the world, this Advent tradition is a way for children to connect their Nativity scene at home to the celebration of Christmas at their church.
Jazz Concert
Sunday, December 22nd | 3:00 PM
St. joseph's Monastery Campus
3801 Old Frederick Road, Baltimore, MD 21229
Join us in the main church for a FREE, family-friendly concert, featuring the BACB Jazz Ensemble. This 18-piece band plays hits of the 30’s and 40’s. The performance will include holiday favorites to get everyone “in the mood” for Christmas! A visit from everyone’s favorite elf is expected and a reception will follow the performance. A free-will offering will be collected to support parish ministry.
For more information, please call the rectory: 410-566-0877. No tickets required.